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Dave and Tracy Fox on a shelling adventure.

About Us

Dave Fox began collecting seashells at an early age. Obsessed with the treasures of

the ocean, he collected many shells before he even visited Southwest Florida.

After many years and many trips to Southwest Florida, Dave and his wife Tracy made

the move to the Fort Myers area in 2018. 

Dave and Tracy are both Advanced Master Naturalists in Indiana with plans to pursue

the certification in Florida as well. They are avid life-long learners and enjoy sharing knowledge and nature with others. Dave is also a certified interpretive guide (National Association of Interpretation) and received the prestigious "Hoosier Hospitality" Award,

Indiana's highest honor for tourism employees. Now he brings that same enthusiasm

to Gulf Coast Junonias.

The two can be found on Southwest Florida beaches nearly every day, enjoying the beauty of the ocean, finding treasures, and soaking up all that Southwest Florida has to offer. With Gulf Coast Junonias, it is their goal to share the beach treasures with

shell lovers around the world. 

Dave, Tracy and their beach pup Marley thank you for your visit and encourage you to share your finds in the "J" Club or reach out to us with any special requests you have to continue growing Gulf Coast Junonias and your "J" knowledge!


Marley appeared on WINK during Matt Devitt's "Dog of the Day". She enjoys the Bonita Beach Dog Beach and relaxing by the pool.

Marley the mini Aussie being cute.
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