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Where can you find Junonias?

Western Atlantic NOAA.jpg

Map courtesy of NOAA.

Junonias may be found anywhere in the tropical waters of the Western Atlantic including the east coast of Florida, Yucatan Peninsula and the Gulf of Mexico. They are most frequently found after large storms, but in the 1970s and 1980s, large quantities were found in shrimp and scallop nets as the by catch (animals that were accidentally caught in the nets) was heaped in great piles at the docks and shell collectors sorted through the material to find many wonderful deep water shells.

Nowadays, most Junonias are found on shorelines after storms, by snorkeling and scuba diving. They aren’t uncommon at all, but getting them to the shoreline, or even scuba diving for them is quite difficult which is why they are so rare for collectors. Popular Facebook groups such as The Shellinators has been a great way to keep tabs on where and when Junonias are being found, and shelling tour operators like to use Junonia finds as a way to promote their shelling eco-tours.

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